What Is Canada ETA?


Canada ETA is one kind of online licensing that allows people of eligible countries to enter Canada via air.

Canada Landscape

Approved Nationalities

There are many available countries that are permitted for Canada ETA application.

* You need to check the eligibility at Check Requirements.

Expiry day

* You need to see the detailed information at ETA Fee.


Canada ETA fee consists of 2 parts: Service fee and Government fee.

The service fee is charged for helping you to get Canada ETA as fast as possible.

The government fee is charged by the policy of Canada.

* You need to check the detailed information at ETA Fee.

Document requirements for Canada ETA

* You need to see more detailed information about Document Requirements.


Canada ETA will bring you a more convenient trip.


For any assistance, please call 24h professional support center below:

- Hotline:

United States: +1 818 930 5979
United Kingdom: +44 191 730 0179

Related FAQs

- Do I need to go to the consulate to get my Canada ETA?

- How secure is my private information?

- I did not receive an email after my application, what now?

- How long is my ETA valid for?

- How does Canada ETA work?

- Can I extend my ETA on this website?

- What Is Canada ETA?

- What are the advantages of ETA online application?

- Do I need to print your ETA out? How many copies of ETA do I need to print out?

- What can I do when I commit an error in my application?